If you have any of these eye ailments

GLAUCOMA, CATARACT, BLURRED/WATERY eye, HYPEROPIA OR MYOPIA or any other not mentioned here and you want them to disappear permanently within the NEXT 14 – 21 DAYS without causing you any negative side effects, discomfort or extra damages to your eye,
then this page is for you...

…there is a herbal remedy that has helped over 5000+ Nigerians cure those exact same eye problems within just two weeks

The treatment worked so well that these people are testifying happily about how their vision has transformed with just few days of use. 

This single treatment contains very active ingredients that targets the root cause of your eye ailment and fixes it within 14 – to – 21 days of active usage.

Dear Reader, 

This is Dr. Benjamin, the doctor (Optometrist) behind VisionNow, the very first eye product in Nigeria that has FINALLY given ordinary men and women the opportunity to completely cure their eye problems and see clearly again. 


I have specialized in helping people with eye problems treat their ailments, remove disturbing eye conditions and solve dangerous eye problems when they think their eye sights cannot be restored.

But I noticed that while normal hospital procedures help, some of these people start noticing the symptoms that were previously treated start to gradually return again, and even get worse at some point when they leave it untreated. 

It is not because the original treatment did not work well. No. The reason is because these treatments only manage your eye condition and not give a permanent cure to them. 

Do you know that most people who experienced difficult eye conditions especifically Glaucoma, had to do surgery just to get their eye sight returned back to normal?

That’s why I and my team of lab scientists had to sit down for the last two years working on a permanent method that will help people solve their eye problems without fear of it ever returning again.

The result of that decision is visionNow herbal treatment.


People suffering from both early and late stage glaucoma, cataract, and other eye threatening conditions have tried VisionNow and only have testimonies to share even after many months of not using it again.


VisionNow completely removed the symptoms permanently and completely restored their vision in just two weeks! No, this is not a miracle or magic…


If you go to most hospitals, they will tell you that some of these eye conditions cannot be treated again and you just have to manage them. But you can’t blame them because that’s what we are trained to tell people. 


Yet, VisionNow herbal CAPSULE is treating those exact same eye ailment that we thought we could not cure before.



Look Dear Reader, 

Do you know that only Glaucoma (one of the eye conditions VisionNow treats) is called the silent thief of sight?It is because it doesn’t give you any sign or warning or show any serious symptoms until you have very poor vision and can hardly see anything.

If you have malaria or fever, you will automatically know you are sick because of how you are feeling. But some of the most serious eye conditions don’t even give any sign until they become dangerous. 

That’s why you must not give any space to your eyes immediately you begin noticing any symptoms. No space at all before it gets worse.

People who have experienced EARLY & LATE STAGE OF GLAUCOMA, CATARACT and other eye-sight threatening sicknesses have gotten rid of the symptoms permanently and completely restored their vision in just a few days using VisionNow herbal mixture.

Anytime you take VisionNow herbal, 

The thing is, VisionNow is the answer to every single eye condition. If you have any of these conditions: 

VisionNow will help you…



For the people who tried VisionNow, they didn’t need to go through with any surgery or use any other eye product that further damaged their sight…

…but within the first few days (to week) of using this product, their vision was completely restored without using any other product at all. 

If you’ve not tried VisionNow before and you notice that:

Then, that is exactly what we want to help you cure.

  • It will give you a permanent cure from eye diseases.
  • If you are afraid that one day you will wake up and not be able to see again, VisionNow will completely remove that fear because it will cure you.


  • If you want to avoid surgery that may cost you much more than you expect and still maybe cause complications…

…then you should get VisionNow…


When you use the herbal treatment (capsules), within the first few days, it will work to fix up your damaged tissues inside your eyes, then it will gradually help you get relief from the discomfort and headaches that the eye disease is causing.


Within the first week of using VisionNow herbal, you will begin to notice significant positive changes to your vision. 


For how much can you get VisionNow today?

The price of VisionNow is

N16,000 (Ramadan & Lenthen promo price)

2 packs is at a discounted price of #27,000

You will buy 3 packs for #38,000

4 packs is dicounted at #50,000

For that price, you will: 

  • Remove advanced and early stage glaucoma and cataract before they blind your vision


  • Completely free yourself from eye pain and discomfort of suffering from these eye sicknesses


  • Get completely clear eyesight

And you can begin treatments from today…

20-Day Money Back Guarantee

We want you to take the next 14-20 days to try VisionNow herbal solution exactly as prescribed. If at the end of this period, you notice that the condition of your eye has not changed positively, then we want you to pick up the phone and give us a call immediately requesting for your money back. Our agents will send your money back to you within the next 48 hours. 

We have designed both the herbal capsule to be able to completely remove/cure majority of eye problems within 21 days maximum. So, if you notice that is not the case for you, we want you to have your money back.

So far, VisionNow has helped more than 5000+ people get totally free from the most common and dangerous eye infections/sicknesses that may lead to blindness.

Also, for today, we will be giving you a free delivery to any location in Nigeria. Our agents will get to your location and give you a call to pick up your product. We are giving you an opportunity to try VisionNow herbal just once and see how powerful it can work to help you become completely free from the eye.

From this night, you can begin the cure that helps you to finally restore your sight.

And all you need to do is call and make the order. 

You can end weakening eyesight.

You can completely remove cataract.

You can ‘clean’ your eyes and get maximum eye health.

And all it takes is just one pack of VisionNow. 


The #1 eye supplement for total relief from dangerous eye conditions that may lead to vision loss.


Order VisionNow Herbal Capsule Today by filling the form below.